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Hecter is our slack-bot.

Hecter is built on Slack's next generation app development platform which is still in beta so documentation and resources are limited, but the Slack developer community is helpful and responsive.

Documentation is here, Slack developer community is here

Access the app

You need to be added as a collaborator to our slack app before you can manage it (deploy, view logs etc) please speak with a team member to add your Slack account as a collaborator to our Hecter Slack App with the following command

slack collaborator add <email|user_id> [flags]

Once the above is done you need to install the CLI and authorize yourself

Finally we need a GitHub Personal Access Token so Hecter can operate under your account and identify you on certain operations

Please generate a classic token in GitHub with the following access

Personal Access Token

From the command line in the repo after authorising run the following command, choose hectareagtech if/when prompted